Friday, May 22, 2015

The Last Friday of the Year May 22


See you all on Tuesday!

Wear Tennis shoes on Wednesday-First Grade Field Day Activities ( parent volunteers would be greatly appreciated. ( 8:30-10:00, 10:30-11:30)

Thursday will be Student Led Conferences at 10:45-11:50   Please stay and join us for lunch.  Lunch is from 11:50-12:15  

We will have a special Paint Treat on Tuesday.  
Dojo reward store day will be on Tuesday too.  I  would love to have a parent volunteer to assist the students while they shop.   (11:00-11:50, 12:30-1:30)

 We are so happy.  Our new pencil sharpener has arrived!!   No more loud noises while we sharpen our pencils.   Pencils are sooooo important to us!
 Ms. Tipton is popping the count down balloon of the day.  Only 3 more schools left in the 2014-15 school year.

 We are counting money with Ms. Tipton .
 We took the unit 17 addition and subtraction assessment today.

 We explored how to use a calculator to check our work.  It was lots of fun! Students corrected their own mistakes on the unit 17 assessment.  All tests should come home today inside the B.E.E binders.  Please look over the assessments. They do not need to be returned to school.
 Snack Time is one of the highlights of the day.  The sun was shining brightly in our window.
 During snack we are finishing our chapter book.  We have 2 chapters left.

 Make sure you ask your child about career day.  It was an exciting event.   Also, please thank all the business volunteers that took time out of their busty days to share about their careers.

 Ms. Tipton meet with each student today to assess their student growth reading goals.   I will share results during our conferences.

 The students enjoyed their board game/electronic reward time.

 Today was Kona ice day.
 The school pictures arrived. Please check your child's backpack if you ordered a class picture.
 It's report time.  Ms. Tipton is conferencing with each student about their progress to date.  The report cards will be given out during the student led conferences on May 28th at 10:45.
Enjoy the weekend.  Let Ms. Tipton know if you can volunteer  next week.  We can always need an extra set of hands.  Any time will work for Team Tipton.

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