Friday, November 22, 2013

We want to welcome Ms. Scarboro to the class. She will be the teacher while Ms. Tipton is away from the class. 
 We want to thank all the families that were able to attend the play today.  The children all did a fabulous job presenting the Thanksgiving story. 


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Don't Forget to Attend our Plays tomorrow

 Today the class worked on acting out a poem.  Ask your child to sing the song Five Fat Turkeys are We!

 Everyone has really improved their handwriting skills.  

 We are ready to share our Thanksgiving plays with you all tomorrow.  Don't forget to join us at 10:15 in the classroom. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Word of the Day : Salutations

Today was our first "Word for the Day".  Today's word: Salutations.  Students should be able to define and use the word of the day correctly.  Ask you child about today's word.
 This is also the code word for reading the blog. Have your child whisper the word in my ear tomorrow for a small reward. 

 Today we reviewed the definition of a noun.  We also learned about possessive nouns.  The children will have to use this skill on tonight's homework.  
 Literature clubs are all working hard. Ask your child about what story they are reading.  Ms. Collier, Ms. Prather, and Ms. Tipton all worked on different reading skills. 

 We started learning about place value today.  We watched a Brain Pop video about place value and the students completed an interactive quiz over place value. 

 Parker Thomas shared his Star Student chart with the class. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Flat Chip and Chelsea visit the community

Students shared their adventures  with Flat Chip and Chelsea.  Everyone did a fabulous job!  Stop by and view our new bulletin board to see all the places in our community that the students visited.  
Presentations where graded using a rubric.   All the students did a fabulous job using their presentation voice and being good audience members. 



If your child did not complete this on time, I sent home a note reminding them to complete the project.      I am not going to count off any points for late work.  I am looking forward to seeing and hearing about their visits to community locations. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Meet the Cardinal reading team. These students read daily with Ms. Tipton or Mrs. Prather. 
 We are the  Tigers. We meet each Wednesday.  Ms. Tipton gives us a weekly reading assignment to take home and complete.  She wants us to read the book at least 3 to 4 times before returning the packet.  We are working on becoming fluent readers.  Fluent readers read at a steady pace, and read with expression.   Our next assignment is due on Nov. 20th. 


 We are the Wildcats. We meet as a whole group daily too.  We are working on reading with expression and fluency.
   Our club is called the Panthers.  We read each Friday. We love Chapter books, and researching about subjects or current studies. 
 Today we learned about the importance of Position Words. We used the words: next, to , above, behind, in front of, below,  or down to describe the position of various weighted animals in our room.  Ask your child about this lesson. 

 Also, ask your child how we use these animals in our classroom.  They have many different purposes.  

 We completed a workbook page about positional words. Our assessment test will be on Friday.  Make sure to watch for our child's results on Friday.