Many students had an opportunity to work in small groups on the assessments.
Ask your child to explain the importance of the word "Terrific" in Charlotte's Web.
We enjoy our working snack time. The chapter book is geared towards higher level thinking and questioning skills.
All students are allowed an opportunity to read-a-loud to the class. It is amazing to listen to their reading skills.
After each chapter, the students work in pairs to located the answers to the comprehension questions. They have to actually locate the correct answers in the text. This helps them meet with greater accuracy when recording the written responses.
Leslie lost a tooth on Tuesday. We graph the number of students that loose teeth each month.
The class is learning to tell time on digital and analog clocks. Please reinforce this skill at home.
Lena is the student of the week. Congratulate on her achievement.
On Tuesday all the students that did not pull any strikes were rewarded for their excellent behavior. It is important that all students remember that they need to work hard on following the classroom/school expectations.
Mikeih is reading one of the fact and opinion statements about corn. We read The Popcorn Book to learn facts about popcorn. We are learning about plants and seeds. Don't forget that we are in need of two packets of seeds from each child. We will plant next Friday.
Andy and Kayden are both reading to the class too.
I draw sticks on a daily basis to select students to assist with reading, problem solving, sharing... This ensures that every student has an opportunity to share each day. The fact and opinion worksheet was a " show what you know assessment."
We are learning about corn. Hint Hint: " Popcorn" is the code word and Friday.
Please remind your child to return their weekly reading activity on their assigned day. We will not have an activity due over spring break.
Students are working on painting the phonics words for the week. This is part of the work on words station this week.
Compass learning is always a daily rotation:
Students need to be able to properly show the correct placement of the hour and minute hands.
We should all be able to identify a.m. and p.m. activities.
Mrs, Sparks stopped by to assist our students on Thursday. She brought every student a new eraser and pencil. We want to thank her for all her assistance and the gifts.
Ask your child about how to make an educated prediction. We discussed the possible score for tonight's basketball game. I made a prediction for the UK vs WV game. The students also made predictions. We reviewed place value and making educated guesses. We looked back at past basketball game score to assist the students in making an "educated guess."
We enjoyed rocking around the clock to practice telling time. Ask your child to explain this activity.
We are getting ready for an on demand writing prompt. The students will be asked to pick which bug is the scariest. Spider or Bee In order to assist the students on this writing prompt we read a bee informational book today, and tomorrow we will read and list characteristics of a spider.
Ask your child about this book and the activities that we completed.
We all enjoyed making our own ladybug clocks. Clocks will be used for the remainder of this unit. We will take our assessment test next Thursdsay.
Don't forget that tomorrow, Friday March the 27th is share day. Students may bring items that fit inside their backpack to share.
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