Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pajama Party!!!

Elfie made another mess!  He and Santa thought it would be a good idea to study spelling for the test
tomorrow.  We have been playing a fun game with our spelling words at school.  You can play at home with only
two people but more is better.  Ask your child about our game!!  Spelling test IS tomorrow right before
we watch our pajama movie.

Mimi and Max spent the day together.  She taught him how to say the Pledge with his paw.

This is our class with our serious faces in the morning about trying our best all day especially at
dismissal  It did go more smoothly today.  There is room for improvement but I explained to the
boys and girls that we always have room for improvement!

THE BIG NEWS IS….drum roll please….
the principal was in our class today and she told us that it made her heart HAPPY
with how the children were listening to "Charlotte's Web" and were answering questions!!
Way to go Team Tipton!!!!!!!!!!

Look at all the children who made it to 100 DOJOs!!  Today it was revealed that someone actually had over
200 DOJOs!!  Was it your child?
A huge incentive has been that there are prizes for the the top five people with the most DOJOs.  Those children will be
revealed at the end of the day tomorrow.  After tomorrow, everyone will go back to zero DOJOs and try to earn the next
reward.  I am not certain if it will be before or after the winter break.
We received an email from Ms. Tipton today.  She was super pleased with out compliments and progress but was a
little sad about our dismissal.  Even while she is away from school she will be adding DOJOs with  help from me and Elfie.

The great news is that everyone has earned the pajama party and hopefully shared their invitation with their grown up.  I have been popping popcorn tonight and it smells so good!!  If  your child does not enjoy popcorn please send an additional snack for the afternoon.

We made our final draft of our letter to Santa for our opinion paper about the "best toy".  The letters are signed and
sealed by the students.  Many of them remembered their addresses from the test two weeks ago but some did not.  This is such important personal information to know so we will practice at school and will appreciate support from home.
I have my poinsettia stamps and will put the Santa letters in the mail tomorrow.

Speaking of poinsettias ask your child about the heart-warming story that was read today for our study of Mexico.
Thanks to Eber and Maya for sharing a few of their traditions as well.

It was a great day today!!
Amy S.

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