Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Sydney and Max spent the day together.
Sydney is always following the class and school rules!!
Tomorrow, Max is with a boy.  Who could he be?

It seems Elfie is super excited about our play.
This is the second day he has mentioned it!!
We have done "read-thrus" the past two days and the children are doing great!
Keep practicing at home!!
Tomorrow and Thursday we will work with our props, positions on stage, and our
actions that go along with words.  Friday and Monday will be our dress rehearsals.
You are going to LOVE this play…it's so cute!

Here's Lincoln showing off his wreath of candles.
Ask your student about this tradition in Sweden.

All of your children worked hard making this craft.
It had lots of steps and they did so well!!

Here's Annabelle with her wreath!
Ask your child about the traditions from Mexico, Sweden, and China.
This will help as we begin our writing assignment tomorrow.

Miss Collier surprised us today!!
What a treat!!
She brought each child a small stocking with a candy cane.
How sweet!!

Ms. Collier has been so wonderful to teach the children this semester.
She will be missed.

We wish Ms. Collier the best of luck with her teaching career.
She will do great!!

We had many other special activities today.
We went to computer but it was cancelled as 5th grade was MAP testing.
Your children accepted the change in schedule and did great!!

We went to Music for our special class, but then learned they were practicing for the K/1 concert in the gym.
Once again, your children rolled with the change!
Their performance is Monday (12/16) at 12:30 p.m.
I hope you can attend,

We had classroom guidance this week.
Mrs. Rogers checked on us to see how our tattling was going.
It is getting better.
Her lesson was about "careers" and how your "job" is similar to "school".
She asked the children what they wanted their career to be.
Do you know what your child wants to be when he/she grows up?
They all have great aspirations!!

A note about the book exchange was sent home today.
Please respond if your child would like to participate.

Thank you to all who have signed up for treats for the Grinch and class party.
My apologies about trying to sign up on the blog.
It seems it just doesn't work.
So please send an email to me if you can bring something for our party.
My email address is amy.scarboro@fayette.kyschools.us

We have everything we need for our Grinch hot chocolate party Friday morning.
Thanks to those who volunteered!

For our class party, we still need fruit, tortilla chips, salsa, and pretzels.
Thanks to those who have already volunteered.
I think Ms. Tipton left the DVD for a "Charlie Brown Christmas", so we will enjoy
our snacks and watch the movie the last hour on the 17th.  If you would like to come help
and hang out with us, just let me know.

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