We are working together on our short "o" words. Partner spelling is one strategy that we use to help us learn new words.
This week we review question words( who, what, when ,where, how, and why.) We read several class books and wrote "I wonder questions..."
Ask your child to tell you what question they wrote about this book.
Reading clubs meet daily this week.
Mrs. Mary Alice Collier is our new adminatrative dean at Wellington. She has stopped by our classroom several times. We want to welcome her to Wellington. Thanks for coming to visit Team Tipton and teaching a lesson to our class.
Each week we introduce a new strategy to help us become better workers. Today we started using the excersice ball to help us strengthen out upper bodies. All the students are eager to try the ball. We would love to have at least one more in our classroom. Please let Ms. Tipton know if you have one at home that is not in use. We will put it to good use.
This is Read to Someone.
Jake and Jacob are at the Read to Self Center.
Delk, Parker and Ying Ying are working on reading to self.
This is the Listen to Reading Center.
As a closure to Chapter 2,the students made number bond people . They also wrote a journal entry word problem about their creations. Stop by and see if you can solve the problems.
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